FORM 5 (5M, 5W, 5A, 5C, 5K)
- Read instruction carefully.
- The task is given to complete in 1 month JULY
- The date for submit URL 23th July 2012 . After the date evaluation for post every week.
- Task marks 30%. 20% by follow the instructions 10% creativity.
- Choose your blog platform :-
- Blogger
- Blogetery
- Choose one types of blog you want to create.
- How to / tutorial post
This is one of the most popular post types and one that arguably brings the most value to the reader. The most important thing to focus on while writing it, is to give some specific information on how to do/perform/attain/reach whatever is promised in the title of the post. Videos and images work very well as additional resources for how-to posts.
- News post
Typically used by bigger blogs, leaders in a given field that have their finger on the pulse at all times. They are usually short (less than 500 words) and share an important piece of news in a given market.
- Profile post
A profile is a post focusing on a specific person, usually someone famous or important in a given field. Profiles usually cover things like: why the person in question became famous, what’s so special about them, what they have accomplished, and what’s their history and background. There are no specific rules of creating a good profile post. You have to choose your target, find as much interesting information about them as you can, and combine it into an article.
- Comparison post
Every field has some specific characteristics or problems that can be solved by many different means. Comparison posts take two or more possible solutions and compare them to one another. Various aspects of these solutions need to be taken into account if the whole post is to be valuable. It’s also good to point out a winner at the end. Some of the things you can compare against each other are: software, books, courses, companies, etc.—even people.
- Standard list post
The basic idea is that you take a topic or a problem and you try to come up with a number of separate solutions to it. List posts are so popular because they are extremely easy to follow. Each point is usually not related to the other ones, which means that even a distracted mind can get a lot of value from the whole post. List posts are also great for bookmarking or sharing with friends—precisely because of their reader-friendly construction.
- Resource / link post
Very similar to standard list posts. The difference is that now you’re not coming up with the content on your own, but searching for valuable information elsewhere and, in the end, sharing links to what you have found. This type of list post is very popular lately and many successful bloggers are using it as one of the most important elements of their publishing schedule. This kind of posts tend to get a lot of backlinks due to the fact that people who have been featured often like to let their readers know about that fact, so they go ahead and mention it on their blogs.
- At least your blog must have minimum 10 post based types of blog.
- Update the post every week for evaluation.
- In your blog must have
i. Tags all your entry/post
ii. Comment at least one comment each post/entry from other user.
iii. Link to other website that related to your blog.
iv. About me.
- Extra point :
i. Header blog.
ii. Design blog
Subject : Final project 2012 – Task Blog <yourclass>
File name : FPblog<yourname><yourclass>